Aim And Goal


Voice Foundation is a Public Charitable Organization formed in the year 2012 by Smt. Durga Sharma. We believe that all lives have equal value, also thinks all people deserve the chance to have healthy and productive Life. His approach to giving is driven by the foundation's guiding principle. We have scaled new heights by Regular Activities to fulfill the mission of the organization.

We have been developing a grant making process that helps us decide how to spend our time, effort, and money so we can accomplish that goal for as many people as possible. This process helps us choose the issues we will work on and the groups to which we will make grants.

We do not pretend that this process is unique to us. Our process is evolving as we get better at choosing strategies, making grants, measuring progress towards impact, and evaluating the results. We are committed to reporting what we are learning at key stages during the grant making process.

Our management committee oversees all the foundation's efforts. The committee meets regularly to ensure that all of our teams perform efficiently and to facilitate cross-functional connections.

Our teams of excellent volunteers, who are spread all over India, are available for any social cause (s) 24 x 7. They are our real strength to carry on with the noble cause of NO CHARITY ONLY EQUALITY and send a message "WE CARE".

Voice Foundation provides quality education to underprivileged children and youth with a special focus on life skill education to poor youth. Besides basic education, Voice Foundation also provides education in Information and Communication Technology, environment, health and agriculture. The aim is to give practical education and training to the children and youth, which will enable them to take advantage of the technological growth and contribute positively towards the society while they are still learning.

Voice Foundation believes that education on subjects like Computer Education, environment, health and agriculture will enhance their knowledge, help them earn a decent livelihood and make them capable enough to solve their problems themselves.

12+ Successful years
6000+ Professionals Trained
6000+ Happy Students
99.99% Student satisfaction
Best Trained Teacher
5000+ Student Testimonial







